Samsung has revealed plans for an event on August 2nd in New York City where it will officially announce the Galaxy Note 7 smartphone.
The Note 7, which has been rumored for months, is expected to have a dual curved display, much like the existing Galaxy S7 Edge.
Of note, though the last Note device Samsung released was last year’s Note 5, the company is not releasing a Note 6, but jumping straight ahead to the Note 7.
This approach brings it to naming parity with the S7 line and also will put it on the same track as the iPhone 7, which is expected to be released this fall.
Samsung itself says the name change will “minimize confusion about the latest mobile technology from Samsung, and provide full alignment with Galaxy S smartphone.”
If the Note 7 has a dual-curved display, it will be the first Note phone with such a feature (the Note Edge only curved on one side).
It is also expected to have an iris scanner for security and authentication purposes, which is alluded to in the invite’s design, which features an iris-like graphic.
For more on the Note 7, including all of the official details from Samsung, stay tuned on August 2nd.